Au Pair Training School
Starting November 2023, Au Pair School will return to in person in New Haven, Connecticut. Au Pairs will arrive on Tuesday and attend Au Pair School on Wednesday through Friday. More information about the return to in-person activities can be found here.
Every au pair attends a comprehensive 3 day Au Pair Training School and Orientation Program at the beginning of their program year as they prepare to join their host family. This custom program is designed both to educate au pairs on child development and safety and to ensure they have an understanding of the great responsibility that comes with being an au pair for an American family.
Starting February 2025, Au Pair School will return to Virtual Training.
Au Pairs will travel directly to the closest international airport to the host’s home and will attend training virtually from their home on the dates indicated below. Agent Au Pair will determine which training school your au pair may be able to attend once the visa was approved.
Please find our training school dates below. Please note the days that the Au Pair will be able to arrive at the host’s home for each training school.
Agent Au Pair requires a minimum of 1 week to plan travel.
Requirements to start travel planning:
* Au Pair’s Visa must be in hand and copy sent to sponsor
* All host family and au pair payments and documents need to be completed
* Family in home interview needs to be completed and approved by sponsor
If above items are not completed by at least 1 week prior to training school start, Au Pair will need to arrive for the next training.
Au Pair School is mandatory and must be attended after the au pair arrives in their host family’s home. Au pairs are not allowed to take training while they are still in their home country. During the week of au pair school, au pairs are only allowed to work Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday at a prorated amount. Au pairs are not allowed to work the days that they attend au pair school (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday). Please be mindful of your au pair working hours during training school week.
Au Pair School Workbook
Important information for au pairs including social security, driver’s license, educational component, tax information, health insurance, and more!
Au Pair School Overview
Important information about Au Pair School including what topics are covered each day.
Exclusive Training in Renzulli Learning Methods
Our au pairs receive exclusive training in the teaching methods of Joseph S. Renzulli, a leading expert in the field of Gifted and Talented Education. Renzulli has helped millions of children to develop advanced learning skills and higher academic performance.
Agent Au Pair infuses Renzulli teaching methods into our program to elevate its learning benefits. Au pairs are trained in Renzulli methods and leverage the Renzulli Learning System. The host family children’s strengths, interests, learning and expression styles are identified and au pairs work with the host children on project based learning activities . The Renzulli Learning System includes thousands of interest based resources and projects for au pairs and their host children to enjoy.