Why Choose Us?

Agent Au Pair, a U.S. Department of State Designated Au Pair Program, promotes educational and cultural exchange between nations through our inter-cultural au pair program. Our program provides American families with live-in childcare and allows our au pairs to experience American education, life, and culture in an affordable international education program.

The Au Pair Program is one of the most fun and affordable way to experience life in America. We can help you to become an Au Pair in the USA and will make the process easy! The au pair program brings global awareness and cultural opportunities to au pairs and host families. Understanding and sharing cultures improves communication and brings an educational and global advantage to everyone who participates.

Financial Benefits

  • Round trip airfare to the United States from your home country
  • Free room and board with a private bedroom
  • Receive a minimum weekly financial stipend of $195.75 (stipend varies based on your program)
  • Two weeks paid vacation & one full weekend off per month
  • Receive up to $500 or $1,000 (based on your program) tuition allowance to study
    abroad in an accredited US post-secondary institution, as required by the
    US Government
  • The opportunity to travel after you complete the program

Education & Career Benefits

  • Experience American life and culture
  • Develop your independence and leadership skills each day with new challenges and
    opportunities with your host family’s children
  • Improve your English language skills through everyday conversation with your host family
    and attending classes at an accredited American University
  • Develop skills that will make you a stronger candidate for future employers
  • Exclusive Access to Renzulli Learning and the Enrichment for All Students Course

Support from Agent Au Pair

  • Legal J-1 Visa – Agent Au Pair will sponsor you on a J-1 Visa, which is the only legal way for au pairs to come to the United States.
  • Health Insurance – During your stay in the United States, you are automatically covered with our insurance plan.
  • US Travel Arrangements – We take care of your travel arrangements to the United States an d your return flight back to your home country. We also help arrange your travel from orientation to your host f amily.

Education and Career Benefits

Becoming an au pair is a great way to gain valuable international travel and global experience. You will gain skills that will benefit you through your career, such as flexibility, leadership, independence, self-confidence, and improved English language skills.

In a recent study, the majority of au pairs responded that their English language skills improved because of traveling to the U.S., through communicating and interaction, resulting in better job opportunities. Au pairs also responded that the program influenced their career choices and the development of their inter-cultural skills positively impacted their career after completing the program.

Renzulli Learning Exclusive

As an member of the Agent Au Pair family, au pairs and their families back home will receive access to the Renzulli Learning system. Agent Au Pair infuses Renzulli teaching methods into our program to elevate its learning benefits. Renzulli has helped millions of children to develop advanced learning skills and higher academic performance. The unique training in Renzulli methods provides our au pairs with valuable career skills no other au pair program can offer!

How Renzulli Learning Benefits Au Pairs:

University Excellence at Your Fingertips!
Unlock the prestige of a 9-contact hour certification from the University of Connecticut, included with Renzulli Learning. Elevate your educational qualifications and open doors to new opportunities!

Discover the Power of Personalized Learning
Unleash each child’s strengths with creativity scores. Identify what sparks joy and engagement in your Host Kids with individual strength-based learning profiles and creativity scores. Tailor activities they’ll love!

Master the Art of Gifted Education!
Enhance your skills with 4 certificates of completion from Renzulli Learning. Specialize in gifted and talented educational methods and make a lasting impact on your Host Kids’ learning journeys.

Craft Engaging Learning Experiences
Au Pairs can harness the platform’s potential to curate captivating activities for their Host Kids. From language-focused exercises to homework assistance, the possibilities are limitless.

Endless Learning Adventures Await
Explore a multitude of exciting endeavors accessing a diverse range of activities and projects that focus on strengths-based learning. Inspire your children’s curiosity and creativity.

Connect Globally
Join the Global Collaboration Program! One of the platform’s most remarkable features is the ability to collaborate with Au Pairs worldwide. Host Kids can broaden their horizons, learning cooperation, teamwork, and leadership skills within a multicultural context from an early age.

Boost Your Resume with Teaching Experience
Enhance your resume with Renzulli Learning. Showcase your valuable teaching and mentoring experience with Renzulli Learning on your resume. Stand out from the crowd and advance your career!

Ready to Get Started?