Camping in Alaska

Embarking on the au pair journey is already an exhilarating adventure and a formidable challenge. Leaving your home country to live with a host family you’ve never met in the U.S. is a remarkable experience in itself. But doing it in Alaska? That adds an extra dash of excitement to this grand adventure. Alaska, with its beautiful landscapes and wilderness, is a truly unique state. Being an au pair in the Last Frontier is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

One of the aspects I adore about the idea of being an au pair in Alaska is the abundance of firsts and thrilling experiences. Imagine gliding across an ice-skating lake for the very first time, or swooshing down slopes while skiing. Encounter your first wild bear or majestic moose—the thrill of these encounters is unmatched. Alaska offers a variety of activities, each more captivating than the last. And then there’s camping—the quintessential summer activity. When the sun favors us with its warmth, seizing the opportunity becomes necessary.

In July, together with Valeria from Colombia and Damaris from El Salvador, two awesome girls who decided to live their year as au pairs in Alaska, we packed our backpacks, secured a tent, stocked up on some food, and drove away from the city in search of a nice campground. Surrounded by trees and alongside a river, we set up camp. The hammock swayed gently, and the crackling fire provided warmth as we shared stories, danced, and enjoyed each other’s company. While most places experience nights full of stars, Alaskan summers are long and never get dark, so we slept under a blue sky, knowing, one more time, that we were creating incredible memories together, but, more than ever, that Valeria and Damaris would have always looked back to this experience with a heart full of joy.
Alaska can be both challenging and enchanting: once you set foot in this captivating land, you’ll find yourself falling head over heels in love with its beauty.