Holiday Stroll Down Snowflake Lane
LC: Taylor from Bellevue
We took a holiday stroll down Snowflake Lane in Bellevue and ice skating at Bellevue ice rink!
We all met in Downtown Bellevue where the city hosts a holiday parade. The parade includes music, dancing, snow from the rooftops and dancers all along Main St in Bellevue. We met at the ice rink, which is at the end of Snowflake Lane for ice skating. We took pictures, got our skates on and very awkwardly tried to ice skate. They had holiday lights and music playing, and we were able to talk about our own holiday events.

Au Pair Testimonials:
Rocio was scared to ice skate once she got on the ice because it was slippery. She finally was on the ice and having a good time. Evangelina stayed with Rocio until she felt comfortable and Milena was skating like a pro. They were all so happy to be together in person and finally meet me. They loved having plans to all get together and try something new.
– Rocio