Is your Family’s New Year’s resolution plan ready?

With the arrival of 2023, everyone is feeling excited, motivated and ready for a fresh start! There’s always talk about personal plans and goals for the new year, putting together a New Years Resolution Plan, and promising ourselves not to fail again. What about making resolution plans as a Family? Nobody talks about it…

This year I decided to spice up a little bit and include our au pair into our family resolution plans. I think it is the perfect time to talk to your au pair about realistic goal-setting. This brings a great opportunity to go over the past couple months and set some expectations for the new year. 

If you think this is a great idea but you don’t know where to start, our Household Guide is a perfect start. Take the guide, sit down with your au pair and review it. Asking her feedback and including suggestions would make her/him feel part of the family. 

Remember, the first thing we would want is not to discourage each other while putting the plan together. I specifically do not set the bar so high, so we do not fail by the end of January as many people give up, also your list does not need to be too long, sometimes quality is more important than quantity! 

Kids are growing, families are evolving so everybody’s needs are changing. Make your 2023 better than 2022 with your au pairs help!

Happy new year everyone!