Restoring Confidence in the Au Pair Program

On Thursday, September 19, 2024, legislation was introduced in the House of Representatives regarding the modernization of the federal Au Pair Program. Sponsored by Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R, PA-14), the Modernizing the Au Pair Program Act. H.R. 9677 (the MAP Act) addresses important issues that the Alliance for International Exchange has worked with its members and Members of Congress on over the last several years. 

The MAP Act reaffirms and clarifies the exclusive federal regulatory authority of the Department of State over the Au Pair Program. It also directs the Department to use that regulatory authority to issue a regulation that modernizes and strengthens the program in several key ways. The bill directs the Department to modify the au pair stipend in a uniform national way, while keeping the program affordable and flexible for American families. The bill also highlights the participation of military and first-responder families who have increasingly come to rely on and appreciate the value of the program. Lastly, the bill underscores the importance of au pair immersion in host family culture and life.