How the Au Pair Program Differs from Other Childcare
A daycare center may seem like the most affordable option for childcare. When considering your childcare options, keep the following in mind:
Au Pairs- Flexible schedule up to 10 hours a day and 45 hours a week
Daycare Center- Set hours and additional charges for late pickup
Nanny- Set hours
- If you work full-time, are you able to leave work early to pick up your children? Many day care centers charge high late fees if you are not able to pick-up your children at the scheduled pick-up time. One of the benefits of hosting an au pair is that au pairs have a flexible schedule based on your family’s requirements. Au pairs can work up to 45 hours a week, 10 hours a day. Nannies have set hours that are agreed upon between the family and nanny.
Au Pairs- Set program fees regardless of how many children you have
Daycare Center- Per child fee
Nanny- High Cost / Salary Negotiations
- Daycare centers charge separate fees for each child. The Au Pair program fees are not dependent on how many children you have. You may be considering the benefits of a nanny in addition to childcare outside of your home. A nanny is paid at least the national minimum wage, but typically have a higher salary based on negotiations and can be upward of $800.
Au Pairs- Our au pairs have at least 500 hours of previous childcare experience and a 3 Day Orientation
Daycare Center- Workers typically have training
Nanny- Not Required / Varies
Non-Childcare Related Duties
Au Pairs- Can help with child-related household duties
Daycare Center- None
Nanny- Minimal household chores
- An au pair gives you the flexibility to have childcare in the comfort and familiarity of your own home without the rush of getting the children out of the house. A nanny's duties are agreed upon between the family and the nanny.
Au Pairs- Extensive screening process
Daycare Center- Basic background center
Nanny- Family does their own screening
- Hosting an au pair through Agent Au Pair gives you the peace of mind to know that your au pair is trained in CPR and first aid. Many nannies may have additional requirements such as health insurance, paid vacation, and required time off. In addition, nannies are not regulated and may not have first aid, CPR or childcare training.