It’s Time To Let the Kids Shine This Summer!
We’d like to invite Au Pairs and host children to participate in the Summer Sidewalk Chalk Art Challenge together! The focus is to honor and appreciate the host child experience within the au pair program while creating a bonding experience between child and Au Pair. Agent Au Pair promotes healthy and productive Au Pair and host child relationships and we are excited to hear from the kids this summer!
The deadline to submit your art work is August 1st!
Every child is an artist.
Imagination is everything.
– Albert Einstein

About the Summer Sidewalk Chalk Art Challenge:
1. Host parents must give Au Pairs permission to enter their children into the contest by submitting the Agent Au Pair Photo & Video Release Form.
2. Au Pairs and host child(ren) plan and create a sidewalk chalk art scene that they can be featured in together. Seek inspiration on our Agent Au Pair Summer Sidewalk Chalk Art Pinterest Board!
3. Au Pairs take 2-4 high resolution photos of themselves with the child(ren) posing in their sidewalk chalk art scene. Selfie sticks and photographer helpers are allowed. Au Pairs are encouraged to display #AgentAuPair and #FromOurFamilyToYours in their photos.
4. Host Children answer interview questions from the Interview Questions Sheet. Depending on the age and ability of the child(ren), they may read and write their own answers or be given the question verbally with an adult to document their answers.The goal is to capture the genuine childhood perspective of the Au Pair relationship and adults should refrain from modifying answers.
5. Au Pairs plan their answers to interview questions from the Interview Questions Sheet.
6. Au Pairs submit the Summer Sidewalk Chalk Art Challenge Submission Form between June 1st, 2021 – August 1st, 2021.
7. Winners will be announced in August 2021 and awarded as follows:
1st prize winners will receive a surprise award valued at $100.
The au pair will receive a $100 gift card.2nd prize winners will receive a surprise award valued at $50.
The au pair will receive a $50 gift card.3rd prize winner will receive a surprise award valued at $50.
The au pair will receive a $50 gift card.All submissions will receive a printable participation award.

See the full terms and conditions.
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