Follow Maya’s Journey

Fall and Pumpkin Season
Fall & Pumpkin Season Autumn is here in NJ and our family has not escaped its charms. Our Au pair choose to go pumpkin picking with his group and bring back a pumpkin for us to carve! It is a first for us all and my 5 year old thoroughly

Extending With Your Au Pair
Extending With Your Au Pair About 4 months before your au pairs year ends with you, the host family and the au pair receive an email from the sponsor, detailing the option to extend for 6,9 or 12 months with each other. This can be a hard decision as your

Summer Time Water Fun and Safety
Summer Time Water Fun and Safety Summer has hit us hard here in NJ and we take every opportunity to go to the beach or the community pool. Our community pool has a paddle pool about 1.5 feet deep and a full-sized pool. When our au pair takes the kids

Adjusting for the Warmer Months
Adjusting for the Warmer Months It has been about 6 months since the arrival of our “bro” pair and time has just flown by! We recently switched from a winter schedule to a spring schedule which meant that we now had our au pair scheduled to work on the weekends

Navigating childcare in the time of COVID
Navigating childcare in the time of COVID February is a short month but packs in quite a punch. In the United States it is Black History Month while around the world Valentine’s Day is especially celebrated. It has been three months since our au pair joined us from Brazil and

Meet My Family
Meet My Family We are the Mopalwar-Ferreira family, and we have a wonderful male au pair from Brazil, Antonio! If you want to know about hosting a male au pair, read on! We are a family of 5, consisting of mom, dad, boys aged 5 and 2 years old and