“Patience with yourself, patience with others, patience with circumstances.”

We understand that many of you are experiencing delays in flights and embassy appointments. Agent Au Pair is constantly monitoring the situation and doing everything we can to continue moving forward during this unprecedented time.

Featured Au Pairs

~ Kaylee ~

Kaylee is a 25 year old from South Africa who speaks Afrikaans, English and German. She has experience caring for children between the ages of 6 months through 15 years old. Kaylee has been working as an au pair in Switzerland since July 2019. In her spare time, Kaylee enjoys hiking, reading, and music.

~ Luisa ~

Luisa is a 22 year old from Mexico who speaks Spanish and English. She has experience caring for children between the ages of 6 months through 14 years old. She also has experience working as a kindergarten teacher and nanny. In her spare time, Luisa enjoys cooking, reading, and board games.

~ Tansu ~

Tansu is a 24 year old from Turkey who speaks Turkish and English. She has experience caring for children between the ages of 5 months through 14 years old. Tansu has been a long term babysitter for one family since 2016. In her spare time, Tansu enjoys volleyball, cooking, and movies.

These are just three of our featured au pairs! We showcase more of our featured au pairs on our website. We have hundreds of great applicants available for placement.

Staying Connected

It was a good meeting where Au Pairs could express how they are feeling, how they are dealing with this situation, relate to the other au pairs, and see that they are not alone.

”During the meeting, I could share my experience with other Au Pairs that are living and struggling with the same situations as I am. My LCC has been really supportive and empathetic. Having the meeting was really good!” -Ana Maria

Local Rep of the Month

Going Above and Beyond

Meet Brittany from CT!

I love being able to be a resource for Au Pairs navigating a new environment and I enjoy helping them find things to do in our area. My favorite part about the Au Pair program is that Au Pairs and Host Families have a chance to experience new cultures and learn about new traditions. As a Local Representative and now a Host Mom I get the best of both worlds!

Contact Us

837 Whalley Ave

New Haven, CT USA

+1 (415) 376-0202

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