Chinese New Year Festival
For our January meeting I decided it would be a good idea to attend the Lunar New Year Festival here in Atlanta. First, because I think it’d be a great opportunity for the Au Pairs to learn about a culture other than English and we had a Au Pair from China arriving just a few weeks before and we thought it would be a good way to welcome her. Both the Au Pairs and I really enjoyed the festival, there was typical dances from Vietnam and China, a lot of food and good music. We all had a great time and we enjoyed very much the opportunity to learn more about the Lunar New Year and how its celebrated.
"The Lunar New Year meeting was really amazing! We were able to learn and experience the Chinese culture, there was music and delicious food. I loved spending time with another AuPair, since we can enjoy a space, dedicated to us, to know about how our au pair experience is going, and having the support through our LCC. I really enjoy participating in our monthly AuPair meeting!"
- Loren from Colombia

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